The Ancient Dark Force Agenda & Portals to the Demonic World w/ Jordan Maxwell
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Take a close look at this Israeli coin with Donald J. Trump's signature on it (notice the two vaccine syringes in the cluster of graphics on the blade of the sword). (Reader: You are right about him. What really shocked me too, was this coin and what it shows what is happening and future happenings. Please look closer at the tip of the sword. I bel...ieve I see a representation of a Nuclear Explosion."Čítaj viac
STOJİME ZA MUDr. PETROM KOTLÁROM‼️ Dňa: 30. 10. 2024 Čas: 16.00 hod. Miesto: pred Národnou radou SR Súbežne pre tých, ktorí nemôžu prísť podporiť priamo do BA, v ten istý dátum a čas v mestách na hlavnom námestí ZA, BB, KE.
mlady cesky satanista proti pedofilii