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My body, my choice? Really?
“What can be un burdened by what has been”. What does it mean? 
What did Kamala and Joe and the Democrats do for you? 
Why did the God save President Trump’s life? What is his purpose? Donald Trump’s Purpose
Was it the last supper or was it the feast of Dionysus? It was a combination of both. The scene starts with a big covered dish in front of a table. The lid is lifted, and the meal is exposed - Dionysus. Dionysus was never portrayed as food/meal. But Jesus was - Matthew 26:26 Guess who he was mocking, replacing, portraying? Wine was a religious ...focus in the cult of Dionysus and was his earthly incarnation. The cult of Dionysus is also a "cult of the souls"; his maenads feed the dead through blood-offerings, and he acts as a divine communicant between the living and the dead. He is sometimes categorised as a dying-and-rising god. Dionysus was also one of the gods able to bring a dead person back from the underworld (dead). He was also the god of orgies, pleasure, ecstasy, and excess. See some things familiar? Dionysus has been dubbed "a patron god of hermaphrodites and transvestites" by Roberto C. Ferrari in the 2002 Encyclopedia of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Culture. He is referred to as effeminate, which is sometimes linked to his being dressed in girl's clothes during his childhood. The rider on the horse was his mother Semele. She was the only mortal to become the parent of a god. She got impregnated by Zeus. She died and her son managed to save his mother from the Underworld and brought her to Mount Olympus (where the gods live). Sounds familiar? We know what we saw. Let’s not let them tell us different. It was a in your face blasphemous mocking of our Lord and the gospel. Now they are backtracking, lying, deleting evidenceČítaj viac
God miraculously saved President Donald Trump‘s life. But why? What is his purpose? This is what The Lord showed me.