nemusite byt iba ovce............. If we want to take over the government we have to give the people more than promises. We have to guarantee that our government will not dominate the people but serve the people. The guarantee is going to be given in the form of a declaration signed by every member of the government and every state employee statin...g that if I betray the nation, if I steal from the nation, if I do anything fraudulent knowingly I do Know and accept there will be only one punishment, death. This legal change of government will require a new political party from the people, willing to guarantee honesty in the government. Because of freedom in thinking, there are no innocent bystanders. How many will refuse to vote for a future president willing to guarantee the honesty of government with his life? Kozacke Riesenie ak chceme prevziat vladu musime dat narodu ,viacej nez sluby.Musime im dat zaruku ze nasa vlada nebude ovladat ludi,ale ze bude sluzit narodu.Tato zaruka bude dana vo vyhlaseni co podpise kazdy clen vlady a statnej sluzby. Vyhlasenie je taketo - ak zradim narod ak okradnem narod,ak urobim nejaky podvod na narode,Vedomo.Ja viem a prijimam ze bude vtom pripade iba jeden trest a to trest Smrti. Tato legalna zmena vlady,si vyzaduje novu politicku stranu z naroda,z ludu,co bude ochotna zarucit ludom cestnost vo vlade.Lebo je sloboda myslenia niet nevinnych okolostojacich. kolky odmietnu volit za buduceho prezidenta co je ochotny zarucit poctivost vlady s jeho zivotom? A to preto ze kazda vlada je nepriatelom naroda. A preto ze nestaci iba hovorit. JasiČítaj viac
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